If advertising possibilities are what you are looking for, then you need not look any further
ZBVI is in a class of its own when it comes to quality advertising. We not only have the best commercial writers in the BVI; we also reach into more homes than any other radio station in the British Virgin Islands. Our target market is men and women between the ages of 18 and 80. With demographics like these, you and your business are guaranteed a substantial amount of exposure which will equate to a drastic increase in sales.
We offer package rates and sponsorship opportunities, so you are guaranteed that your advertisements are heard by your intended targeted market. Package rates and sponsorship avenues afford you more cost-efficient prices and precision in reaching your intended target market.
Our premiere salesperson is Donna Burrows, who has over 20-years of experience in radio advertising. So you can rest assured and be confident in the competence of our staff, and we guarantee first-class service and an even better-finished product. Experience, satisfaction, and competence are assured when you do business with us.
The AM advantage
The Caribbean islands! Lands of end-less summers, where temperatures range from 68 to 95 degrees, the Caribbean is essentially one nation with a common history and culture, but they are all highly individualistic in style. The population of the eastern Caribbean is an estimated 15 million, with approximately 1.5 million English speaking residents.
The majority of the islands in the eastern Caribbean, the windward and Leeward Islands are mountainous with beautiful bays and harbors. Within these beautiful and protected harbors is where most towns and communities has settled, making it difficult if not impossible for line of sight signals (EG TV & FM) to reach these areas. Am radio with it's ground and skywave signals have no difficulty reaching hidden listeners. ZBVI can reach and deliver an advertiser's message to those communities unreachable by other electronic media in the eastern Caribbean. This is why ZBVI is nicknamed the am advantage.
Tourism accounts for a significant portion of the economy in this region. There is an average of 8 million visitors to the eastern Caribbean (excluding the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico) annually. Of this figure, 1/2 million tourists visit the British Virgin Islands annually. They mostly import from the United States, Europe, and Canada. The BVI is host to some of the best coastal waters in the Caribbean, great for sailing, diving, and boating activities, many tourist charter boats to take advantage of these water activities. ZBVI is timely with accurate up-to-date news and weather that help keep the marine industry informed, with weather updates every hour on the half-hour. We also play diverse genres of music great for sailing and it sets the mood for visitors to enjoy our island paradise.
ZBVI offers the advertiser a strong clear signal that reaches the entire eastern Caribbean, quality programming and reasonable rates.
ZBVI is the station that dominates the radio waves!!
Contact Information
Email: zbviradio@gmail.com
Phone: 284-540-4330
Email: zbvi@surfbvi.com
Phone: 284-494-2250